News and Announcements

December 12, 2013

Many thanks to Donna Gambrell, an incredible leader and steady supporter of the community development finance industry and CDFI Banks in particular, for her 37 years of public service.

November 27, 2013

NCIF, Carver Federal Savings Bank, and City National Bank of New Jersey are pleased to announce the closing of a high-impact New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) deal in New York City.

November 18, 2013

Chicago, Nov 12 – 14
CDFI Bank 2.0: Innovation for Impact
Thank you for attending!

October 31, 2013

NCIF partners with IRIS in our impact measurement initiatives. Our Social Performance Metrics are fully mapped to IRIS's standardized catalogue of metrics for impact investors. IRIS is an intiative of the Global Impact Investing Network ("the GIIN").

October 15, 2013

Did you miss our webinar? Download the slides for a tour of BankImpact. Learn about the power of data within the mission-oriented banking industry.