Participating Banks
BankImpact Dashboards
Meet our partner banks! Use the map to locate the banks that have contributed to the BankImpact Dashboards. Click on their names to learn more about each bank’s mission and impact. NCIF is proud to count these institutions among our community of partners, and would like to thank them for their work in building critical impact metrics for the industry.
Banks that participated in the most-recent edition of the Telling the Story report:
Albina Community Bank
Beneficial State Bank
Broadway Federal Bank, FSB
Carver Federal Savings Bank
Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co.
Citizens Trust Bank
City First Bank of D.C., NA
City National Bank of New Jersey
Community Capital Bank of the Bay
Continental National Bank
First American International Bank
Finance and Thrift Company
First Eagle Bank
Guaranty Bank and Trust
The Harbor Bank of Maryland
Illinois Service Federal Savings and Loan Association
Industrial Bank
Liberty Bank and Trust Company
Mechanics and Farmers Bank
Mission National Bank
Native American Bank, N.A.
Security Federal Bank
Spring Bank
Urban Partnership Bank
All information is based on annual HMDA data (, Census data, annual Summary of Deposits data (, and Statistics on Depository Institutions ( as well as private reporting from banks where appropriate. Furthermore, CDARS information is based on Promontory Interfinancial Network Data as of 2018. DLI-HMDA data is based on data released 12/31/2017. Financial data is as of 12/31/2018. DDI is as of 6/30/2018. NCIF is not responsible for any inaccuracy.