Urban Partnership Bank

Building vibrant urban neighborhoods to make a difference everyday.

About Urban Partnership Bank

Urban Partnership Bank was established in August 2010 when private investors acquired the deposits and assets of ShoreBank from the FDIC. Urban Partnership Bank provides loans and other financial services and products to people and businesses in communities where they are often unavailable and unaffordable from traditional banks and nonbank lenders. Its services support small businesses to create good jobs with good pay, strengthen nonprofits and faith-based organizations to help them fulfill their mission, renovate neglected real estate to revitalize neighborhoods, and promote economic and environmental sustainability. Urban Partnership Bank delivers financial services that help entrepreneurs and proprietors grow sustainable small businesses and create good jobs. Recently, Urban Partnership Bank began offering SBA financing to help develop small businesses by offering access to working capital that is often unavailable to them.

The mission of Urban Partnership Bank is to make a difference everyday: serving our customers, building vibrant urban neighborhoods, promoting economic and environmental sustainability, and creating longterm success for our communities and bank.

Visit this bank online.

Urban Partnership is a member of the NCIF Network:

  • BankImpact Dashboards Reporting Bank
  • Equity Investee Bank
  • NMTC 3-Way Partnership Partner