Inform your choice when you #moveyourmoney with BankImpact Maps
BankImpact Maps help investors, consumers, businesses, and stakeholders find the highest performing financial institutions focused on underserved communities. To be included in BankImpact Maps, these mission oriented institutions must satisfy at least one of the following qualifications:
- a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) bank
- recognized as a Minority Depository Institution by the FDIC
- a Quadrant 1 rank based on NCIF's Social Performance Metrics
Use this tool to explore local bank branches with a mission focus easily by searching by bank name, city/town name or zip code in the search bar in the top right corner of the map.
- Search bar: Enter your zip code or city name
- Map Markers: Click to reveal more information on that bank, including it’s Social Performance Metrics, DDI and DLI (further detailed below the map). Orange markers indicate a NCIF Network Bank, an institution who has worked with NCIF to positively impact their communities. Tip: Zoom out to see multiple branches when searching by name.
- Bank Tab: We have provided the web address so you can visit their website and evaluate if it is a good fit for your individual financial needs.
When you choose to bank within your community at strong banks that are dedicated to community needs, you have an opportunity to support their mission driven focus — a win for all involved.
Overview of Key Fields:
Mission Indicators - To categorize banks, the Mission Indicator variable identifies if a bank is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Minority Depository Institution (MDI), and/or a Quadrant 1 institution with a DDI score greater than 50% and DLI score greater than 40%.
CRA Rating - According to the FDIC, CRA ratings measures the institution’s performance in meeting the credit needs within its communities with respect to the institution’s “resources and capabilities”. Federal institutions are ranked based on 4 possible scores of Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs to Improve, and Substantial Noncompliance.
Development Deposit Intensity (DDI %) - Given the importance and demonstrated impact of bank branches in low- and moderate - income (LMI) communities, DDI is a place based metric that quantifies the proportion of a bank's branches that are located in LMI areas. A DDI score greater than 50% is the threshold for superior impact of Quadrant 1 institutions.
Development Lending Intensity - HMDA (DLI %) - Using lending data reported by financial institutions as part of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), this place based metric provides information on the bank's lending concentration in LMI communities. A DLI score greater than 40% is the threshold for superior impact of Quadrant 1 institutions.
Mission Intensity - Mission Intensity captures the comprehensive amount of lending which supports a bank’s social mission, regardless of the loans’ location. It is the percentage of a bank’s total annual lending that supports the bank’s mission by 1) being located in a qualified census tract or 2) by supporting a specific mission-relevant category.
ROAA % - Return of Average Assets (ROAA) is a financial performance metric that measures the bank's Net Income divided by the Average Total Assets during the period.
ROAE % - Return of Average Equity (ROAE) is a financial performance metric that measures the bank's Net Income divided by the Average Total Equity during the period.
All information is based on annual HMDA data (, Census data, and annual Summary of Deposits data (, and Statistics on Depository Institutions ( as well as private reporting from banks where appropriate. CDARS information is based on Promontory Interfinancial Network Data as of 2018. DLI-HMDA data is based on data released 12/31/2017. Financial data is as of 12/31/2018. DDI is as of 6/30/2018. NCIF is not responsible for any inaccuracy.
Want to help us make this tool better, share your feedback here.
If you know of an institution that you think should be included based on the mentioned qualifications, please contact Natalia Paipilla to discuss.