Minority CDE NMTC Training

Minority CDE NMTC Training


1. Program Overview

  • This training module provides a quick overview of NMTC program history, oversight, key players, terminology and methods.
    Lead Presenter: Robert Jenkins, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

2. Community Outcomes

  • This training module: (1) discusses the role of the CDE-Allocatee in generating community outcomes and effects of various types of mission goals, and (2) considers the impact of the outcomes mission on the CDE’s organizational design.
    Lead Presenter: Robert Jenkins, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

3. Strategic Planning for the CDE-Allocatee

  • This training module discusses creating a business strategy that is consistent with the CDE’s mission.
    Lead Presenter: Karen Williams, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

4. Underwriting a NMTC Project - for Leverage Lender and Allocatee

  • This training module covers the primary aspects of underwriting a NMTC project: financial analysis/due diligence, compliance, and community impacts. The module will break out specific aspects of underwriting for the Leverage Lender and Allocatee.
    Lead Presenter: Sam Deal, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

5. NMTC Pipeline

  • This training module discusses pipeline formation, community and board involvement, project screening, early underwriting, and when to walk away.
    Lead Presenter: Robert Jenkins, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

6. Management and Staffing of the CDE

  • This training module discusses the business plan of a successful CDE: board recruitment, corporate forms, financial products, pipeline, QEI, capital deployment, financial and community outcomes underwriting, compliance management, outcomes enforcement.
    Lead Presenter: Karen Williams, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

7. Portfolio and Asset Management

  • This training module covers the essential aspects of asset and portfolio management systems that ensure the entity's portfolio stays in compliance throughout the loan compliance period.
    Lead Presenter: Karen Williams, sub-contractor
  • Presentation

8. Financial Results: The CDE, the Investor, the Leverage Lender; wrap-up discussion of what the NMTC program means

  • This training module discusses: (1) share cost, revenue, and return information for each key role; (2) group discussion of how their organizations might participate; and (3) consideration of whether the CDE-Allocatee role is a good fit for them, and why.
    Presented by: Karen Williams, sub-contractor; Robert Jenkins, sub-contractor; Sam Deal, sub-contractor
  • Presentation


  • Consolidated Exemplar Documents
    The attached documents were used for discussion purposes only and are not considered examples of documentation, scenarios, or circumstances which the CDFI Fund endorses in any way.

The compilation of these documents was funded by the CDFI Fund, under Contract TPD-CDF-15-C-0004. The curriculum and opinions expressed in these documents are those of the authors, who are solely responsible for the content, and do not reflect the opinions of the CDFI Fund or any other person, entity, or organization. The CDFI Fund is not responsible for the maintenance of any content found on external websites.